The Cave

The Humility of Paris


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Scene from "Troy"

I have decided to take pictures to show the process of one of my paintings.
This painting was inspired by a scene in the 2004 big-budget epic "Troy".
My favorite scene in the whole movie has got to be when Menaleus, the King of Sparta, has thouroughly beaten Prince Paris of Troy, and, knowing it has become a battle he cannot win, Paris crawls over to his brother Hector and clings to his leg for protection. 
I love it because it's such an awesome illustration:
Paris represents Us...
Menaleus represents the world, the flesh and the Devil...
Hector represents Christ...
In our lives, we're battling with our sin and battling against Satan, trying to fight our own war that we've gotten ourselves into. And Satan is beating the crap out of us, ready to destroy us. And the only chance we have is knowing we can't win, and crawling to the feet of Christ...who defeats our enemy for us. Because He loves us.
So I just wanted to do a painting with that thought in mind.








As of 6/1/04

Painting still in progress...
Keep watching for updates!

"I still say that Orlando Bloom is a good actor and must have a decent amount of humility to be such a Hollywood heartthrob and then play such a flawed character as Paris of Troy.  Legolas was flawless and fearless...Will Turner was pure and heroic...but Paris steals another man's wife and is a coward. How much humility do you need to have to make such a switch. I admire him for taking on such a role..."